Graphics Mayi Suarez
As Fashion Revolution Week approaches, here at Fashion Space World we want to join forces with our friends over at Swap Rebellion, and all over the world, in a bid to make fashion a driving force of change for a better world.
So what are we doing? It’s simple really. Working from the platform of Canary Islands Fashion, we will be conducting a series of interviews with various creatives, who will explain how they approach sustainable fashion and why they believe it is so important.
Want to know who these people are going to be and what they have to say? Keep checking back in with us on our news platform and on social media to get all the latest updates.
Se acerca la semana del #FashionRevolution y desde Fashion Space World queremos sumarnos a este movimiento con una iniciativa junto a nuestros colegas de Fashion Swap Rebellion.
¿En qué consistirá? ¡Muy simple! Enmarcados en el ámbito de la moda en Canarias, llevaremos a cabo una serie de entrevistas con diversos creativos quienes nos explicarán cómo abogan por un modelo de “moda sostenible”, cada cual desde su propio punto de vista.
¿Quieres saber quiénes nos acompañarán? Pues no pierdas de vista nuestras redes sociales y ¡pronto lo descubrirás!