NEW window display and soft launch in Santa Cruz, Tenerife!

I am super happy to announce that thanks to a collaboration with @modamalola, if you want to buy any of the second-hand and vintage YSL pieces here , this store, located in the heart of Santa Cruz, will become their pick up point.

And in order to celebrate this on Monday, September 11th, starting at 6:30 p.m., we will inaugurate one of the shops windows @modamalola at with a wonderful two-piece YSL outfit from the 70s/80s.

In addition, every 3 weeks, we will be changing the shop window to display other collection pieces . Besides  fashion, there will also be vintage accessories and second-hand memorabilia.

In addition to this when we change our window we will always try and reuse what we have of the display whilst still keeping it new and relevant to the piece in every way possible, this and the styling will fall to stylist Daniel Albericio. Keep  a note of these approximate dates so that you can browse the new items in the shop window (and the ones you find inside!).

October 2nd

October 23rd

November 13th

December 4th

December 28th

In the meantime,  check our online  store, and if you like it reserve it at @mslupecastro on Instagram! Looking forward to meeting you on the September 11th in Santa Cruz so keep that evening free !

Lupe Castro: FashionSpace

Twitter: MsCastroRides

Facebook: MsCastroRides

Instagram : MsCastroRides
